Donate or Sponsor
Morah Carol's Place takes great joy and pride in helping our children learn and grow in a nurturing, fun, and academic environment. But did you know that you can help us?
Monetary donations go toward daily supplies, as well as classroom upgrades that make our learning environment even more incredible for our students and teachers. We are working on expanding, and every donation helps!
To make a donation or become a sponsor* please contact Morah Carol directly at morahcarol@morahcarolsplace.com or at 470-659-5484.
Morah Carol's Place is now a partner with Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program which is a special SSO program that allows you to redirect your tax money to Morah Carol's Place. This is a direct benefit to children who will otherwise never be able to afford private school education. Your tax dollars provide scholarships for these children. This is not a donation rather it's a dollar for dollar tax credit. We all know you have to pay your taxes anyways so why not invest in a child's Jewish education!!!