MCP Summer Camp 2024
We are so excited to be offering an amazing summer camp program this year!
Our camp will include ages Infant through Rising 1st Grade;
see below for a complete list of camp dates.
June 3 - August 2
Hours: 7:30am - 6pm M-Th
7:30am - 4pm F
Summer Camp 2024 Dates
See camp registration packet (at the bottom of this page) for pricing info.
Theme Dates
Week 1: Fun In The Sun June 3 - 7
Week 2: Shavuot June 10 - 14
June 11 - 4:00 Dismissal
June 12 and June13 - Shavuot - No Camp
Week 3: Ocean Exploration June 17 - 21
Week 4: Science & Nature June 24 - 28
Week 5: Rocking in the USA July 1 - 5
Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5 - No Camp
Week 6: Animal Adventure July 8 - 12
Week 7: Classic Literature July 15 - 19
Week 8: Jr. Culinary Week July 22 - 26
Week 9: Under the Big Top Circus July 29 - August 2