Latest "Parents Only!" Events Details
Morah Carol's Place is excited to announce two "Parents Only!" events, recently added to our events calendar. Read below for more details!
Curriculum Night
When: August 15, 2017 -- 7-9pm
Where: Or VeShalom
Parents Only!
Come meet your fellow MCP parents, while enjoying wine and cheese. We look forward to telling you all about MCP's fantastic curriculum, during this Q&A night for parents.
Social Night in the Succah
When: October 8, 2017 -- 7-9pm
Where: Or VeShalom Succah
Parents Only!
We're planning loads of Succot fun for our students, but we haven't overlooked our parents either! Join us on October 8th for a grown-up social night in the Succah. The event runs from 7-9pm, so book a babysitter and come socialize with fellow MCP parents. Refreshments will be served under the stars in the succah while we shmooze the night away!