MCP Newsletter January 2-5, 2017

January 5, 2018 - 18 Tevet 5778
Dear MCP Parents,
Welcome back to school! We hope you all had a lovely winter break, and were able to keep warm.
This week, the True Blue Twos continued learning about hibernation, and did art projects using their Color of the Month: White!
The Shining Stars focused on the theme of “Re-use & Recycle,” as it pertains to our Middah of the Month: Tikkun Olam. They used critical thinking skills to come up with ideas of things that could be created from recyclable materials. They also created some fun art projects using recyclable materials--you might have seen some of them on display in the Shining Stars’ classroom!
In Hebrew Through Movement, your children reviewed the commands they learned from before the break. They didn’t forget anything! Morah Adina is excited to teach them some new commands next week.
We are excited to announce that we are having Coach Mike back for the second semester of school. He will once again be teaching Sports & Karate. See dates, prices, etc on the flyer in the email version of this newsletter. And be sure to register soon!
Parents, keep an eye out: We’ll be sending out summer camp registration, as well as school re-enrollment, over the next few weeks.
We can’t wait to see your wonderful children again on Monday.
Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Carol & Morah Adina