MCP Newsletter October 2-4, 2017
October 4, 2017 - 14 Tishrei 5778
Dear MCP Parents,
We’ve had a blast this week, preparing for Sukkot!
The True Blue Twos and the Shining Stars have been making sukkah decorations and learning all about Sukkot. They’ve also been exploring the theme of friendship, as it relates to welcoming guests into the sukkah.
Each class created a beautiful sign for the Or VeShalom sukkah--even the Infant Room! The children were so excited about helping decorate the big sukkah, and really proud of the great job they did. Check out these gorgeous signs in the OVS sukkah out front of our school entrance--your children will love showing you their amazing handiwork!
In morning Tefillah assembly with Morah Carol, our students have been learning about Sukkot. They’ve discussed that when the Jewish people left Egypt and wandered in the desert, they were surrounded by clouds of protection. Our students learned that sukkahs remind us of the clouds that protected the Jewish people. Morah Carol also talked about how we should be able to see the stars through the skach (sukkah roof).
Thanks to OVS for letting us decorate their synagogue’s sukkah this year!
Parents, please note:
School will resume next Monday, October 9th, at regular school hours. We will have early dismissal on Wednesday, October 11th, at 3pm, in observance of the holidays. School will resume again after this, on Monday, October 16th.
Have a lovely Sukkot! We can’t wait to see your beautiful children next week.
Chag sameach!
Morah Carol & Morah Adina